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From its creation, Dante Alighieri’s poetry has inspired the world’s greatest writers, artists, and thinkers. His groundbreaking “Divine Comedy,” completed in 1320, became muse to giants of the Italian Renaissance — among them Sandro Botticelli, Giovanni Stradano, and Federico Zuccari — as well as to scholars seeking to illuminate the complex poem through imagery.
Join Rhoda Eitel-Porter, an expert on 16th-century Italian drawings and prints, as she explores the work of literary scholar Alessandro Vellutello (b. 1473), whose drawings likely became the basis for the highly influential series of woodcuts illustrating the 1544 edition of “Divine Comedy.” Dr. Eitel-Porter will guide you through Vellutello’s unique vision of Dante’s work — from its unusual emphasis on barren, volcanic terrain to the intricate illustrations of each circle of hell and Purgatory — and examine how the perspective of the comparatively amateur Vellutello varied from those of his more-famous Renaissance contemporaries.
This is the first talk in Cornell’s “Visions of Dante” Study Day, a day-long special event held in conjunction with the Johnson Museum of Art’s “Visions of Dante” exhibition, timed to mark the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death. The Vellutello drawings and woodcuts are part of the exhibit, on loan from the Morgan Library & Museum’s collection.
9:30-10:30 AM ET: Visualizing Dante in the 16th Century: An Amateur’s Art (Rhoda Eitel-Porter)
10:45-11:45 AM ET: From Etruria to the New World: Cornell’s Copy of the Editio Princeps of Dante’s “Divine Comedy,” Between Book History, Bibliophilia, and Exegesis (Natale Vacalebre)
1:00-1:45 PM ET: Exhibition Tour (curators Laurent Ferri and Andrew Weislogel)
2:00-3:00 PM ET: Meeting Dante (artist Sandow Birk)
3:15-4:15 PM ET: A Dante Afterlife: LeRoi Jones’s “System of Dante’s Hell” and Derek Walcott’s “Omeros” (Maryemma Graham)
Join Rhoda Eitel-Porter, an expert on 16th-century Italian drawings and prints, as she explores the work of literary scholar Alessandro Vellutello (b. 1473), whose drawings likely became the basis for the highly influential series of woodcuts illustrating the 1544 edition of “Divine Comedy.” Dr. Eitel-Porter will guide you through Vellutello’s unique vision of Dante’s work — from its unusual emphasis on barren, volcanic terrain to the intricate illustrations of each circle of hell and Purgatory — and examine how the perspective of the comparatively amateur Vellutello varied from those of his more-famous Renaissance contemporaries.
This is the first talk in Cornell’s “Visions of Dante” Study Day, a day-long special event held in conjunction with the Johnson Museum of Art’s “Visions of Dante” exhibition, timed to mark the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death. The Vellutello drawings and woodcuts are part of the exhibit, on loan from the Morgan Library & Museum’s collection.
9:30-10:30 AM ET: Visualizing Dante in the 16th Century: An Amateur’s Art (Rhoda Eitel-Porter)
10:45-11:45 AM ET: From Etruria to the New World: Cornell’s Copy of the Editio Princeps of Dante’s “Divine Comedy,” Between Book History, Bibliophilia, and Exegesis (Natale Vacalebre)
1:00-1:45 PM ET: Exhibition Tour (curators Laurent Ferri and Andrew Weislogel)
2:00-3:00 PM ET: Meeting Dante (artist Sandow Birk)
3:15-4:15 PM ET: A Dante Afterlife: LeRoi Jones’s “System of Dante’s Hell” and Derek Walcott’s “Omeros” (Maryemma Graham)