Michael I. Kotlikoff, Professor of Molecular Physiology, became the 16th Provost of Cornell on August 1, 2015. As the university’s Chief Academic Officer, Chief Budgeting Officer, and First Deputy Officer to the President, Dr. Kotlikoff works to enhance the university’s excellence in teaching, scholarship, and outreach. His signature initiative, Radical Collaboration, recruits faculty and supports infrastructure in seven key multidisciplinary areas: nanoscale science and microsystems engineering; genome biology; data science; sustainability; digital agriculture; infection biology; and the critical inquiry into values, imagination, and culture (CIVIC). Dr. Kotlikoff was previously the Austin O. Hooey Dean of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell, where he enhanced programs in education, animal healthcare, and research, and launched an $87 million capital project to upgrade infrastructure and teaching facilities, thus enabling an increase in the pre-clinical class size. His research laboratory, continuously funded by the National Institutes of Health for over 30 years, is internationally recognized in the area of cardiovascular biology and heart repair.
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Current Free Speech Controversies
A Conversation With Former ACLU President, Author, and Law Professor Nadine Strossen
Monday, April 29, 2024, 4:15pm EDT
Event Overview
Nadine Strossen, former longtime ACLU President and New York Law School professor emerita, who is now a Senior Fellow with FIRE (the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression) and author of the 2023 book Free Speech: What Everyone Needs to Know®, will discuss the most challenging questions about free speech rights — and wrongs — with Provost Michael Kotlikoff and a panel of Cornell student leaders.
What You'll Learn
- An examination of the interrelated areas of free speech, academic freedom, and civil discourse
- How legal scholars look at free speech protections
- How students in higher education and academia are thinking about free speech in a campus setting
Provost, Cornell University
Nadine Strossen
John Marshall Harlan II Professor of Law, Emerita
New York Law School
John Marshall Harlan II Professor of Law, Emerita, and former President, American Civil Liberties Union, 1991 to 2008
Nadine Strossen, New York Law School Professor Emerita and Senior Fellow at FIRE (the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression), was national President of the American Civil Liberties Union from 1991 to 2008. An internationally acclaimed free speech scholar and advocate who regularly addresses diverse audiences and provides media commentary around the world, Ms. Strossen’s most recent books are Free Speech: What Everyone Needs to Know® (2023) and HATE: Why We Should Resist It with Free Speech, Not Censorship (2018). She is also the host and project consultant for “Free To Speak,” a three-hour documentary film series distributed on public television in 2023.
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