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Public spaces are some of the most challenging environments in which autonomous systems operate. Unlike workspaces or controlled environments where humans can be trained to work with autonomous systems, or where systems can be built to specifications based on the users, public environments feature a wide variety of people and events. Anything can happen.
To operate in these environments, robots need to be savvy about the norms and social signals that people use to jointly negotiate on the road, sidewalk, and hallway. Cornell Tech’s Wendy Ju will join us for a conversation about current field experiment research from her lab and the fascinating research they’re conducting. This research informs ways that autonomous systems can be designed and developed to more safely operate in public.
The Design of Implicit Interactions softcover or ebook
Interactive Device Design Certificate Program
To operate in these environments, robots need to be savvy about the norms and social signals that people use to jointly negotiate on the road, sidewalk, and hallway. Cornell Tech’s Wendy Ju will join us for a conversation about current field experiment research from her lab and the fascinating research they’re conducting. This research informs ways that autonomous systems can be designed and developed to more safely operate in public.
The Design of Implicit Interactions softcover or ebook
Interactive Device Design Certificate Program