8:00am – 9:00am – Breakfast

9:00am – 9:30am – Program Kickoff

  • Laura Syer, Program Director

9:30am – 10:30am – Leading with Versatility

  • Andrew Quagliata, Senior Lecturer, Cornell University
  • In this engaging session, you will be introduced to the Social Style Model, a framework for understanding and adapting to different communication styles. You will learn how to recognize your own style and the styles of others, and how to use this knowledge to understand and enhance your leadership effectiveness.

10:30am – Quick Break

10:45am – 12:00pm – Emotional Intelligence Essentials for Higher Education Leaders

  • Andrew Quagliata, Senior Lecturer, Cornell University
  • This engaging workshop will provide participants with an understanding of emotional intelligence and its five components: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Through self-reflection exercises and interactive activities, participants will develop practical strategies to enhance their emotional intelligence. Facilitated discussions will offer a platform for knowledge-sharing and networking among the participants, making it a valuable opportunity for personal and professional growth in the context of higher education leadership.

12:00pm – 1:00pm – Lunch

1:00pm – 2:45pm – Mastering Email Communication

  • Theomary Karamanis, Senior Lecturer, Cornell University
  • Mastering Email Communication is a dynamic workshop designed to equip participants with essential skills for effective email communication. Participants will learn the importance of tailoring emails to specific audiences and purposes, discover strategies for structuring emails with clarity and impact, and identify common pitfalls to avoid. Through practical exercises and case studies, executives will enhance their email writing skills, resulting in the ability to craft clear, concise, and compelling emails that foster better professional interactions and drive successful outcomes in their business communications.

2:45pm – 3:00 pm – Break

3:00pm – 4:00pm – Mastering Email Communication, continued

4:00pm – 5:30pm – Upward Communication: Presenting to University Leadership

  • Andrew Quagliata, Senior Lecturer, Cornell University
  • Laura Syer, Program Director
  • This session highlights common presentation mistakes higher education professionals often make when communicating up and includes strategies for overcoming them. We will discuss strategies for defining your communication goal, considering the perspective of your listening audience, preparing memorable messages, delivering your message with confidence, and gathering feedback.

5:30pm – 7:00pm Reception – Terrace Lounge, The Statler Hotel

8:00am – 9:00am – Breakfast

8:30am – 9:45am – What Do the Lawyers Hope You’ll Do
Wendy Tarlow, Senior Associate General Counsel, Cornell University

9:45am – 10:00am – Break

10:00am – 12:00pm – Ethical Decision Making in Administrative Management

  • Dana Radcliffe, Senior Lecturer, Cornell University
  • As college and university administrators strive to advance their institutions’ goals, they often face competing demands from different groups and individuals among the schools’ constituencies. Such conflicts can create ethical challenges for which it is difficult to reach decisions that equitably address those demands while aligning with the organizations’ interests and values. This discussion-oriented session will introduce a question-based framework designed to help decision makers confronting ethical choices to make morally sound, defensible decisions. Guided by the framework’s questions, session participants—in small-group and plenary discussions—will analyze several controversial issues connected with enrollment management, seeking action proposals that are feasible and morally justifiable. This session aims to enhance administrators’ ability to reason clearly and cogently about the ethical quandaries that inevitably arise in their work, doing so in part by inviting participants to share and learn from each other’s insights and experience.

12:00pm – 1:00pm – Lunch

1:00pm – 2:45pm – Negotiations

  • Stephen Sauer, Senior Lecturer, Cornell University
  • In this session, you’ll gain a greater understanding of how people behave in cooperative and competitive situations. You’ll be exposed to essential theories and concepts for analyzing and managing the process of negotiation as it is practiced in a variety of settings. Through a series of role-play exercises, you’ll learn how to execute proven tactics, refine your personal negotiating style, and improve your ability to bargain successfully and ethically in any situation. Along the way, you’ll gain new appreciation for how negotiating skills can help you overcome a wide range of challenges at work and beyond.

2:45 – 3:00pm – Break

3:00pm – 5:00pm – Negotiations, continued

Evening on your own – option to walk to Morrison Dining Hall for dinner

8:00am – 9:00am – Breakfast

9:00am – 10:30am – Giving Feedback: Unlocking Growth and Building Stronger Relationships

  • Andrew Quagliata, Senior Lecturer, Cornell University
  • This interactive workshop will delve into the importance of giving employee feedback. Participants will explore different types of feedback and gain practical strategies for delivering kind and clear feedback. By the end of the workshop, participants will leave with a greater understanding of effective feedback techniques, equipped to build stronger relationships and achieve better outcomes in their higher education leadership roles.

10:30am – 10:45am – Break

10:45am – 12:00pm – The Beginners Guide to Insurance & Risk in Higher Education

  • Nakeschi Watkins, Director, Risk Management and Insurance
  • Insurance and Risk Management are integral to protecting our colleges and universities as they seek the achievement of strategic goals. Sooner or later, for every business officer, the dreaded topic of insurance will arise, with its confusing terminology and complex questions. This course will provide attendees with a foundational understanding of the various risk exposures associated with higher education and how insurance and other risk management techniques provide protection and security against these exposures. Attendees will be encouraged to share real-world experiences, both personally and professionally, involving insurance and risk.

12:00pm – 1:00pm – Lunch

1:00pm – 2:30pm – Leading in Remote and Hybrid Environments

  • Brad Bell, Professor, Cornell University
  • Remote and hybrid work models represent a significant shift in how work gets done. It is exciting to see the growth of these different designs and the benefits that increased flexibility can deliver to both workers and their organizations. At the same time, despite their many benefits, remote and hybrid work models present some unique challenges that need to be overcome in order to achieve success. In this session, you will learn strategies for leading in remote and hybrid environments. Equipped with these strategies, you will be better positioned to successfully implement, manage, and sustain remote and hybrid work in your organization.

2:30pm – 2:45pm – Break

2:45pm – 5:00pm- IT Infrastructure to Support the Campus Teaching Mission

  • Sarah Christen, Deputy Chief Information Officer, Cornell University
  • Mike Allmendinger, Interim Assistant Director, Video Engineering and Event Services, Cornell University
  • Kris Barth, Manager, Endpoint Infrastructure and Engineering, Cornell University
  • Marty Sullivan, DevOps Engineer, Cornell University
  • IT Infrastructure should be invisible to the campus community.  Students shouldn’t worry about how their devices will connect to systems needed to complete their courses, it should just work. Instructors shouldn’t need to worry about the technology in the classrooms they teach in, it should be simple and consistent across all classrooms on campus.  Faculty should be able to focus on innovative ways to engage their students, using modern technology, without worrying about whether the campus infrastructure will support it. In this session we will discuss some infrastructure services provided here on the Cornell campus.  We’ll share some information on our funding models, working across distributed silos and some truly innovative ways to engage with our students.  We will start with an overview of our developing Classroom Technology program; we’ll share the story of how we came to this approach and how it is working today.  Next, we will share a summary and demo of our Apps on Demand service, which has replaced legacy computer labs for delivering software for course work.  Finally, we will share an interesting new project using AI to help faculty engage and connect with students. We will wrap up with a panel discussion where questions and dialog on the above topics can continue. 

5:30pm – 7:00pm – Evening Networking/Roundtable Dinner and Keynote

  • Ben Maddox, Chief Information Office, Cornell University

8:00am – 9:00am Breakfast

9:00am – 10:30am – Resolving Conflict in Higher Education

  • Katrina Nobles, Director of Conflict Programs, Cornell University
  • Higher education institutions have often been described as microcosms of our broader society. As conflict escalates nationally and internationally, we are witnessing it escalate on our campuses as well. This session will explore the types, levels, and sources of conflict within the complex system of higher education. Participants will have the opportunity to learn strategies and techniques for managing conflicts, considering the various roles from which conflict can be engaged and the impact of diverse strategies on different levels and communities within the higher education system. By the end of the session, participants will walk away with a personal action plan that prepares them to effectively manage conflict in their roles.

10:30am – 10:45am – Break

10:45am – 11:45am – Future of Higher Ed: Panel Discussion

  • Various Cornell University College Officers

11:45am – 12:00pm Certificate Presentations and Closing

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