Rob Kwortnik, Associate Professor of Services Marketing, joined Cornell’s faculty after earning his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Temple University in 2003. He also earned a B.A. in Journalism from Temple and an MBA from California State University, Northridge. Professor Kwortnik’s research focuses on consumer behavior in service contexts, with special attention to service experience management. He has published in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Service Research, The International Journal of Research in Marketing, and the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, among others. He has been honored eight times as a Teacher of the Year by students at the School of Hotel Administration. Prior to his career in academics, Professor Kwortnik held several professional positions in marketing and was a travel industry consultant. He is a recognized expert on the leisure cruise industry.
Developing an Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy for ServicesCornell Course
for Services
Cornell CourseDeveloping an Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy for Services ()
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Course Overview
It's hard to overstate: A marketing strategy lives or dies in communication with the customer. And there's a methodology to it—it is the culmination of all of the marketing research and analysis you've done.
What you say, how you say it, how often you say it, the media channels you use to distribute your message, how you respond to complaints—all of this affects customers' experiences with your brand.
In this course, you'll take a deep dive into integrated marketing communications, or IMC. You'll explore a process-based approach to designing creative communications using a variety of methods and media. Finally, you'll examine ways to assess the performance of an IMC campaign.
Key Course Takeaways
- Identify communications objectives
- Use a process-based approach for planning and designing creative marketing communications
- Select the right integrated marketing communications methods and media
- Determine the success of marketing communications campaigns

How It Works
Course Length
2 weeks
5-7 hours per week
100% online, instructor-led
Course Author
Rob Kwortnik
Associate Professor
Cornell Nolan School of Hotel Administration
Associate Professor, Nolan School of Hotel Administration, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
Who Should Enroll
- Services marketing and operations professionals
- Industry professionals interested in learning to gather and analyze services marketing data and develop a services marketing communications campaign
- Services marketing managers and professionals who interact with customers and market data
- Product marketing professionals transitioning into a marketing role in service-centric firms
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100% Online
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