The following table outlines key requirements for different types of non-credit credentials from Cornell.

Credential Acknowledgement of Completion Recognition of Achievement Professional Certificate: Live or In-Person Executive Education Program Professional Certificate: Online or Blended Program Professional Certificate with 360 Designation
Student Hours Any amount 12+ hours 24-32+ hours 40-100+ hours 120-200+ hours
Grading Confirmation of participation or completion, including auto-grading Confirmation of participation or completion, including auto-grading Complete Program requirements Human Grading According to Rubric Defined by Authoring Faculty (Typically includes projects) Human Grading According to Rubric Defined by Authoring Faculty
Active Instructor or Facilitator Not required Not required Required Required Required

A printable acknowledgement for an achievement at the micro-learning level, that is less than 40 hours of effort with validated participation and outcomes. A Letter of Completion is earned after completion of a single short-course, On-Demand lesson or other short learning experience that includes confirmation of participation or completion, including auto-grade.

A printable acknowledgement for a program achievement with validated participation and outcomes, that is a minimum of 12 hours of student effort whereby the student completed a series of mico-learning components in the form of On-Demand lessons or other learning experience that includes a confirmation of participation or completion, including auto-grade.

A printable acknowledgement for a program achievement that is a minimum of 24 hours of live student effort with validated participation, outcomes and completion of the program requirements. Includes both live synchronous online or in-person instruction. Pre and post work or client-led sessions can be included, 1 hour per ½ day session, exceptions to be made with approval by the Vice Provost of External Education. For enterprise groups, a certificate title can include theAn organization’s name or a can be included in the certificate title and is often co-branded with the organization and/or could be a custom name that reflects the program goals. i.e. Github Leadership Excellence.

A printable acknowledgment for a program achievement that is a minimum of 40 hours of student effort required with validated participation and outcomes evaluated through human grading according to a rubric defined by the authoring faculty. An organization’s name can be included in the certificate title and can be co-branded. i.e. Github Leadership Excellence.

A printable acknowledgment for a program achievement that is a minimum of 120 hours of student effort required with validated participation and outcomes evaluated through human grading according to a rubric defined by the authoring faculty. An organization’s name can be included in the certificate title and can be co-branded. i.e. Github Leadership Excellence.

Typically an 8-20 credit, stand-alone academic credential recognized by the Department of Education, comprising a set of credit-bearing courses in a specific area. Completing this block of courses counts toward the course and credit requirements of a degree offered by the same institution.