Marianne E. Krasny is a professor in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment as well as Director of the Civic Ecology Lab at Cornell University. Her latest book, “In This Together: Connecting with Your Community to Combat the Climate Crisis” (Cornell University Press, March 2023), explores how an ordinary citizen can influence their close friends and family to take meaningful — and enjoyable — climate action. Dr. Krasny loves working with members of her lab to teach online courses in environmental education and action for global audiences. She is a Public Voices Fellow, a volunteer with Elders Climate Action and Climate Reality-Finger Lakes, Director of Public Outreach and Food Policy for the Climate Action Now app, and an International Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry.
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In This Together
Connecting With Your Community to Combat the Climate Crisis
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 1pm EDT
Event Overview
When it comes to the climate crisis, we are all “in this together,” and we can fight back by connecting with our community to take action. During this conversation, Dr. Marianne Krasny will answer questions about the most effective climate actions that everyday citizens can take — from eating plant-rich meals to volunteering for a climate app. She will show how the latest research can guide us in influencing our close friends and family to take climate action alongside us. Dr. Krasny will also share how one contemporary philosopher has helped her think about her — and your — responsibility for the climate crisis.
Short videos of students taking “network climate actions” with their families and friends will enliven the conversation. And don’t miss the special guest appearance of former New Yorker cartoonist Emily Hopkins, who contributed drawings to Dr. Krasny’s book “In This Together: Connecting with Your Community to Combat the Climate Crisis” (Cornell University Press, March 2023).
Short videos of students taking “network climate actions” with their families and friends will enliven the conversation. And don’t miss the special guest appearance of former New Yorker cartoonist Emily Hopkins, who contributed drawings to Dr. Krasny’s book “In This Together: Connecting with Your Community to Combat the Climate Crisis” (Cornell University Press, March 2023).
What You'll Learn
- Meaningful and fun actions you can take to reduce your climate impact
- How to influence your close friends and family to take those actions alongside you
- What philosophers tell us about how to consider our own responsibility for climate justice
Marianne Krasny
Cornell's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Professor and Director of the Civic Ecology Lab, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
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Add to Calendar 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
2023-06-21 13:002023-06-21 14:00In This TogetherAdd to CalendarWhen it comes to the climate crisis, we are all “in this together,” and we can fight back by connecting with our community to take action. During this conversation, Dr. Marianne Krasny will answer questions about the most effective climate actions that everyday citizens can take — from eating plant-rich meals to volunteering for a climate app. She will show how the latest research can guide us in influencing our close friends and family to take climate action alongside us. Dr. Krasny will also share how one contemporary philosopher has helped her think about her — and your — responsibility for the climate crisis.
Short videos of students taking “network climate actions” with their families and friends will enliven the conversation. And don’t miss the special guest appearance of former New Yorker cartoonist Emily Hopkins, who contributed drawings to Dr. Krasny’s book “In This Together: Connecting with Your Community to Combat the Climate Crisis” (Cornell University Press, March 2023).
Short videos of students taking “network climate actions” with their families and friends will enliven the conversation. And don’t miss the special guest appearance of former New Yorker cartoonist Emily Hopkins, who contributed drawings to Dr. Krasny’s book “In This Together: Connecting with Your Community to Combat the Climate Crisis” (Cornell University Press, March 2023).
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