
Why You Should Let Your Buyer Design Your Sales Process: a Webinar with Craig Rosenberg

Join TOPO’s Chief Analyst Craig Rosenberg for a free webinar on Wednesday, 5/28/14, from 1:00 – 2:00PM EDT entitled Why You Should Let Your Buyer Design Your Sales Process.

“The buyer is in charge” is one of the most popular refrains in contemporary business sales and marketing today. Well it’s true; the Internet has changed buyer behavior forever. In the old days of business sales, the seller controlled the conversation. Now, the Internet has given the power back to the buyer. Marketing has undergone a radical transformation to change their approach to meet the new buyer’s expectations. It’s sales’ turn.

The reality is the buyer views their experience with a vendor as one of the most important factors in buying. When polled, buyers rate their experience with vendors higher than the expected answers of product and price. The sales leader’s imperative is to deliver the sales experience their buyers want and expect. In this webinar, we provide you with the blueprint and specific use case examples. You will learn:

  • Best practices for understanding your buyer
  • How the buyer affects your organizational design including people, process and technology
  • Specific examples of companies creating buyer-responsive processes

This discussion is tailored for CEOs, execs, VPs, upper-level management, and anyone involved in sales and overall business strategy.

About Craig Rosenberg

Craig Rosenberg is the Chief Analyst for TOPO. TOPO helps organizations optimize their sales and marketing in order to deliver remarkable buying experiences. He has worked with 100’s of sales, inside sales, and marketing organizations to design, build and optimize their processes. He is known to many as the “Funnelholic”, the name of his very popular sales and marketing blog.

“The buyer is in charge” is one of the most popular refrains in contemporary business sales and marketing today. Well it’s true, the internet has changed buyer behavior forever. In the old days of business sales, the seller controlled the conversation. Now, the internet has given the power back to the buyer. Marketing has undergone a radical transformation to change their approach to meet the new buyer’s expectations. It’s sales’ turn.


The reality is the buyer views their experience with a vendor as one of the most important factors in buying. When polled, buyers rate their experience with vendors higher than the expected answers of product and price. The sales leader’s imperative is to deliver the sales experience their buyers want and expect. In this webinar, we provide you with the blueprint and specific use case examples. You will learn:


  • Best practices for understanding your buyer

  • How the buyer affects your organizational design including people, process and technology

  • Specific examples of companies creating buyer-responsive processes


Craig Rosenberg is in the Chief Analyst for TOPO. TOPO helps organizations optimize their sales and marketing to order to deliver remarkable buying experiences. He has worked with 100’s of sales, inside sales, and marketing organizations to design, build and optimize their processes. He is known to many as the “Funnelholic”, the name of his very popular sales and marketing blog.  
